About 有關 Dr JC

Dr J C Wong

Entrepenuer 創業家、QiGong Instructor 氣功教練、Nutritionist 營養師、PhD 博士

Dr JC 為合格氣功教練, ISSA 營養師,並於澳洲 Monash University 修讀 Engineering 並取得博士學位。由於看見許多人處在病苦之中飽受折磨,毅然放棄工程學術研究,而開始鑽研營養學。JC博士也在經營有機餐廳、有機食品及保健品生意,對健康料理,食材及輔助品篩選都有著豐富的實戰經驗。目前已幫助來自不同國家的病友,改變生命,活出精彩人生!他的使命是幫助更多的癌友,改變自己的身體狀況,不再害怕癌症復發而失去生命!

Dr JC is a certified Qigong Instructor, ISSA Nutritionist, and obtained a PhD in Engineering at Monash University. He realized that many people were suffering from different illnesses, he gave up engineering academic research and began to focus on nutrition studies.  Dr JC is also in the business of organic restaurant, organic food and health products, hence he is very experienced in healthy cooking, as well as the the selections of healthy ingredients and health supplements. He has currently helped many patients from different countries in improving their lives. His mission is to help more cancer patients in improving their conditions, without the fear of cancer recurrence!

JC 博士熱愛生活,也是大自然愛好者,喜歡以不同的方式體驗生活,到不同國家及地區登山、四驅越野、露營、背包旅行、重機跨國,自駕旅行,以更接近大自然的方式體驗當地不同的生活。

Dr JC is a nature lover, and he likes to experience life in different ways. He travels to different countries and regions in many different modes. Hiking, four-wheel-driving, camping, backpacking, bike riding and overlanding are some of his ways to experience the local cultures, closer to the nature.

Dr JC也熱心公益。年紀輕輕確是一名氣功教練,在非營利氣功團第裡當志工,分享營養知識,幫助大家改善生活品質,遠離疾病的威脅!他相信,幫助大眾從多方面改變身、心、靈的健康,不只是一個社會責任,也是我們對大自然的一個義務及責任。

Dr JC is active in charity too. At a young age, he is also a QiGong instructor, and he volunteers in a non-profit QiGong organization to share nutritional knowledge, and help people improve the quality of life, hence stay away from diseases. He believes, helping people to change in different ways, including physical, mental and spiritual health is not only a social responsibility, but it is also a duty to our nature.

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