
85% of Cancer Patients are Malnutrition

Written by Dr JC on May 8th, 2021

為什麼癌友接受治療時,體重會下降?為什麼一些癌友因為體況不好不能繼續治療呢?為什麼會白血球不足?為什麼需要打升白針才能夠繼續?為什麼會紅血球不足?為什麼需要輸血才能繼續治療?為什麼會那麼累,全身乏力?為什麼會肝臟指數過高? 是不是癌細胞侵入身體導致體況下降呢?還是治療的藥性太強導致體況下降?

其實大部分是因為營養不良所導致的。根據美國一項統計,超過 85% 的癌友在治療時處於營養不良。而對健康的人來說,營養不足也可能間接導致癌症哦。病友在接受治療時,身心靈都受到折磨,食慾降低,加上消化功能減弱,吸收力降低,導致病友不但沒有足夠營養維持原本的狀態,更不可能有足夠的營養建立身體對抗癌細胞,修復因治療而損傷的細胞。


根據2021 年發出的一份統計指出(Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics),在3萬名美國人裡有約70% 的成人的沒有達到美國抗癌飲食指南的標準,攝取足夠的維生素,礦物質及纖維素。可見,即便許多政府及非政府組織在健康飲食上不停教育大眾,知道跟做到還是有一段距離的。人們欠缺一套簡單,有效,易做的方法來真正改善自己的飲食習慣及健康。

Why do cancer patients lose weight during therapies? Why some patients are unable to continue their therapies due to certain conditions? Why leukopenia (lack of white blood cells) happens? Why immune booster injections are needed to continue? Why anaemia (lack of red blood cells) happens? Why are blood transfusion needed? Why are they so exhausted? Why is their liver function above normal? Do cancer cells cause all these? Are the drugs too strong that have caused the deterioration in their condition?

Surprisingly, malnutrition is one of the main causes of the above. According to a survey in the US, more than 85% of cancer patients are malnutrition during their treatment. On top of that, malnutrition can also indirectly lead to cancer. Patients suffer both mentally and physically during treatment. Loss in appetite is a common experience among them. Furthermore, food digestion and nutrient absorption are weaker and less effective, under the effects of different treatments. Hence, they strive to have enough nutrition just to maintain their weight. Meantime, their body is in need of high-quality nutrients for fighting cancer cells, possible complications e.g. infections, as well as repairing damaged tissues due to therapies.

Considering the above, the choice of ingredients and cooking methods become very important. When patients experience appetite loss, the amount of food they can consume are limited. It would be crucial to ensure that the ingredients of choice are packed with dense nutrients and are easy to be absorbed. Good cooking methods do not only ensure that the nutrients are not destroyed, but also make them easier for absorption. On top of that, cooking methods that ensure no carcinogens are produced is another vital key in cancer prevention diet.

According to a study in 2021 (Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics), 70% of 30,000 participated American Adults do not follow the National Dietary Guidelines for Cancer Prevention, to obtain enough of vitamins, minerals, and fibre. Governments as well as Non-Governmental Organizations have continuously educated the public about healthy diet, despite, there is still a gap between “knowing” and “doing”. People are still lacking a set of simple yet effective methods to easily improve their diet practice for health purposes.

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