
A Retired Life with Purpose.

Written by Dr JC on May 12th, 2021




一位“老”朋友,Douglas Choong,年紀比我大近50年。他在55歲時從銀行工作退休,開始了自己的另一個人生。在 1980年代,他開始活躍於摩托車越野及自駕四驅跨國探險,他也是組織跨國探險四驅車隊的先驅。多年來,穿越了多個國家及各大洲。

Douglas 也經歷過多次大手術,醫生給他的勸告是,依他的身體狀況,哪裡不適合去,只能呆在家,出門去吃飯都別想。然而,在他80歲高齡,他還帶領一支車隊,在路上漫遊 53 天,穿越喜馬拉雅山脈,不丹,印度,緬甸及泰國。

有些可能有其他目的讓他們起床,可能是他們的國家,生意,家人,他們的花園或是他們的社區。有些人在90高齡還領導一個國家,有些人則選擇義務性的奉獻。對Douglas 來說,繼續帶領朋友們到各國去探險,以不同的角度觀賞這個世界,是他為自己找的一個人生目的。

致我的朋友 Douglas,希望您在接下來的日子都能夠繼續下去!


Would you like to retire early? What would you like to do after retirement?

A lot of people educate us about working hard, having your retirement planned, retire early and start enjoying life. However, do you realize the elderlies at home, or your elderly relatives are mainly doing 3 things every day: Eat, Watch TV & Sleep?

“Purpose”, “Belong”, “Right Tribe”, are three of the nine keys to longevity, according to Blue Zone Project. Many people lost their directions, and do not know what they get out of bed for, and what they live for. Finding a purpose does not only lead you to longevity, but also helps you to fight cancer, and stay away from recurrence. Without the will, even the best diet knowledge, and the best lifestyle practice is given to one, he has no will to make that change.

Douglas Choong, an "old" friend of mine, a friend 50 years older than me. He retired as a banker at the age of 55, he then started getting involved in rally and overlanding, from moto crossing to 4WDs. He's one of the pioneers organizing overland trips to travel out of Malaysia by land, at the 1980s. He has been through countries and continents throughout the years.

Douglas also had multiple surgeries in the past. Doctors' advice is, "stay at home and it's impossible for you to go anywhere in this condition, not even going out for dinner". Yet, in his 80s, he was still on the road for 53days, going through the Himalayans, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Thailand.

Some people might find other purposes to get out of the bed, it can be their country, their business, their family, their garden, or their community. Some people still lead a country at his 90s, while some go for voluntary work.

For Douglas, organizing overland trips, bringing people to see the world in a different way, is what keeping him going.

To my dear friend Douglas, I hope you can keep it going, for the years to come.

Have you found your purpose?

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