
Modern Reversed Lifestyle

Written by Dr JC on May 30th, 2021









下班後,解決晚餐等等回到家裡,已經是8、9 點,安頓下來後已是10、11點。















Timetable of Modern Lifestyle:

Alarm clock started 2 hours before work, get out of bed after snoozing the alarm for half an hour.

Instantly get ready in 5-10 minutes.

Spend about an hour commuting to work, empty stomach.

First thing first, make a cup of coffee to keep awake, start dealing with some simpler work half awake.

At teatime, pick up 2 pieces of cookies, and start getting into the effective working mode, and lunch time comes.

Get back to work after lunch, with a bit of sleepiness, another coffee is needed.

Work gets to be the most effective after about 3pm, as it gets excited, it will be time to go home.

After work, reach home at about 8-9pm after dinner. It will be around 10-11pm after settling down.

Entertainment with TV and phones started, the senses and mind, stimulating by the screen and sound effects, reaches the most excited state in the day.

12-1pm, time for bed.

Weekend: Get out of the bed because of hunger.

Timetable of the Previous Generation:

Before the sun rises, start cooking light porridge under candlelight.

Go to the workplace or the farm with oil lamps and start with some simple preparation jobs under minimal sunlight.

As the sun rises, drink some porridge, and start watering and farming, try and work as much as possible when sunlight is available, work gets to be the most effective during this period of time.

When it gets the hottest during noon, a break is needed for lunch. A small break is taken after that as it is not ideal to do anything to the crop when it is the hottest.

After noon time, finish up the day by some simple work, tidy up the tools and prepare for the next day.

Upon reaching home, dinner must be ready before the sun sets.

As the sun sets, dinner is finished, and it gets sleep at about 7-8pm. Time to go to bed after some chit chat.

For tens of thousands of years, humans live according to the sunlight and solar energy given by the sun and get active as the solar energy increases. They slow down the pace as the solar energy decreases, and slowly go into resting mode for revitalizing.

With electrical power and technology, humans turn impossible into possible, turn night-time into daytime. With electricity and electric pumps, even water can flow from lowlands to a higher point. As modern people are still half asleep when they are supposed to be most active, yet their mind and senses are strongly stimulated when they are supposed to rest, abnormalities in mental health are observed. In turns, it leads do hormonal imbalance, immune system imbalance, different diseases, cancer, and reduction in the ability of surviving a pandemic.

How do we live as we wish in this modern world in the most natural way?

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